Facial Injectables

Facial Injectables in Belconnen

If you have issues with your temporomandibular joint, you may suffer frequent headaches or even migraines. Belconnen Dental Centre offers facial injectables of botulinum toxin that can help.


The Temporomandibular Joint

Temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ or TMD, is an umbrella term for a variety of issues you might have with your temporomandibular joint. This joint forms the hinge of your jaw and allows your mouth to open and close.

If you have TMD, you might experience symptoms like these:

  • Pain in the sides of your face and neck, especially when you chew or speak
  • Clicking or popping sounds in the jaw when you chew
  • Swelling in the sides of your face
  • A ‘stuck’ feeling in the jaw when you open your mouth wide

Another common sign of TMD is that you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw and a headache. This is caused by the muscle tension of clenching your teeth in your sleep, which is a common side effect of TMD. These tension headaches often progress into migraines, which can be debilitating and can interfere with your daily life.

Temporomandibular Joint Concept — Belconnen, ACT — Belconnen Dental Centre

How Facial Injectables Can Help

An injection known for its muscle-relaxing properties can assist in alleviating tension in the jaw muscles, consequently reducing pain in the face, head, and neck. These injections typically provide relief for around four months. Over time, with regular treatments, the muscles in the face can adapt to a more relaxed state, potentially extending the duration of relief as the muscles become acclimated to their new position.

To learn more, fill out our online contact form at the top of this page, or call us on (02) 6251 5635 We can go over your symptoms and determine how many injections you may need and what the best course of treatment is for you.

Learn More About TMD/TMJ

Wrinkle Reducing Treatment

Wrinkle reducing treatment is a popular treatment because it reduces facial lines, creases, and visible signs of aging without the need for surgery. This treatment helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in a younger, fresher looking face. This is a popular treatment in both men and women. 

Consultation is required before having this treatment and you will be given a customised treatment plan to achieve your desired look. A consultation allows you to ask any questions you may have regarding this treatment.

Volume Treatment

Some people naturally have thin or small features. Other people gradually lose volume over time. This is a normal part of ageing. If this is a concern for you, we have cosmetic medical treatments that can assist with the loss of facial fat and volume.

Areas commonly treated are:

  • Nasolabial area - deep lines from nose to mouth 
  • Marionette lines and “Sad mouth” - lines from corners of the mouth down to the chin 
  • Cheeks 
  • Lips

Consultation is required before having this treatment and you will be given a customised treatment plan to achieve your desired look. A consultation allows you to ask any questions you may have regarding this treatment.

Call us today for more details about our facial injectables in Belconnen.

02 6251 5635
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